My research activities are motivated by my interest towards finding practical solutions to security problems. My work revolves around building secure systems and encompasses several broad areas including software protection, mobile security, malicious software, and security of IoT devices.
Natalia Stakhanova
Associate professor
Director, The CyberLab
Department of Computer Science
University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Awards & Recognition
Best Paper Award, FPS 2023
Best Paper Award, EUSPN 2023
Top 20 Women in Cyber security by ITWC
Best Presentation Award, ARES 2018
Runner-up for Best Paper Award, ARES 2018
CyberNB Recognition award for promoting computer science and security among kids, 2017
UNB Merit award, 2015- 2016
One of the six New Brunswick Innovators To Watch (Huddle Business), 2016
Harrison McCain Foundation Young Scholars award, 2015
Anita Borg Institute Faculty scholarship award​, 2015
Best Student Paper Honorable Mention​, NSS 2015
Nokia Best Student Paper Award, AINA, 2007
Recent Professional Activities
Member of Canadian Cross-Cultural Roundtable on Security (CCRS)
Editorial Board: IEEE TDSC, IEEE TNSM (Special issue 2022, 2023)
Program Chair: SAD20, SSPREW19
Publicity Chair: CANS24
Program Committee Member: ASIACCS'23, FPS'23, 22, ACM CODASPY 23, 22, 21, IEEE Blockchain'22, 21, DPM22, CRiSIS2022