Natalia Stakhanova is the Tier2 Canada Research Chair in Security & Privacy, and an Associate Professor at the University of Saskatchewan. She held the New Brunswick Innovation Research Chair in Cyber Security, the University of New Brunswick, Canada from 2014 to 2018.
Dr. Stakhanova’s work revolves around building secure systems and encompasses a number of areas including mobile security; software protection; and malware analysis and attribution.
Natalia Stakhanova is the recipient of UNB Merit Award, McCain Young Scholar and Anita Borg Institute Faculty Awards. Working closely with industry on a variety of R&D projects, she developed a number of technologies that have been adopted by high-tech companies. Natalia currently has three patents in the field of computer security.
In 2016 she was named as one the Six New Brunswick Innovators To Watch by Huddle Business media outlet. Natalia is a strong advocate of Women in IT and co-founder of CyberLaunch Academy, an initiative that aims to promote science and technology among children. For her leadership in this field, in 2017 she received the CyberNB Recognition award for promoting computer science and security among kids.